von Kabo | Aug. 7, 2016 | Festivals, MetalDays, News |
MetalDays 2016 Now, i have finished my work… From the 25.7. -30.7. took place the MetalDays 2016 and I was again an official photographer there. It was a great time with sun, rain, great People and a spectacular Location. Enjoy the Pics and I’m looking...
von Kabo | Aug. 4, 2015 | Festivals, News, Rock Harz
Rock Harz 2015 Alle Jahre wieder strömen Metal begeisterte Fans anfang Juli in das beschauliche Ballenstedt im Harz um das RockHarz Festival zu feiern…. Auch dieses Jahr war es erneut ausverkauft, was letztes Jahr erstmalig der Fall war. Die Größe umfasst ca. 12.000...